Surgical implants, in the present case bone screws, must meet the highest quality requirements. They are generally manufactured in small batches, with a great variety of different products and sizes. The task is to carry out a final inspection after filling standardised blister packs. Each implant must be identified and inspected with respect to dimensional precision to a hundredth of a millimetre.
Customer Benefits
Inspection guarantees single-type delivery of the blister packs.
Goods and Services Provided by Compar AG
The solution was implemented in the format of a complete test cell as a turnkey solution. This includes the PC-based VISIONexpert® image processing system, an insertion station for the blister packs and a dual-axis robot for moving a high-resolution camera over the individual test positions.
Products Used
VISIONexpert®, Epson SCARA robot, AIS Cell