Dimensional Quality Inspection of Implant Screws

AIS Autonomous Inspection System


Surgical implants, in the present case bone screws, must meet the highest quality requirements. They are generally manufactured in small batches, with a great variety of different products and sizes. The task is to carry out a final inspection after filling standardised blister packs. Each implant must be identified and inspected with respect to dimensional precision to a hundredth of a millimetre. 

Customer Benefits

Inspection guarantees single-type delivery of the blister packs.

Goods and Services Provided by Compar AG

The solution was implemented in the format of a complete test cell as a turnkey solution. This includes the PC-based VISIONexpert® image processing system, an insertion station for the blister packs and a dual-axis robot for moving a high-resolution camera over the individual test positions. 

Products Used

VISIONexpert®, Epson SCARA robot, AIS Cell

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