The medical and pharmaceutical industry manufactures high-tech products that are subject to high quality requirements.
Do it yourself Cobot-Handling
New generation of software unites know-how derived from numerous individual solutions
The production of contact lenses involves numerous manufacturing steps.
Turn-key solutions for Level 1 and 2 with interfaces to Level 3 and 4
Assembly inspection of the internal functioning of an inhaler
The robot & image processing dream team is an elegant solution
Surgical implants, in the present case bone screws, must meet the highest quality requirements
The dosage graduation of insulin injectors has to meet high demands with respect to print quality and positioning
Clear advantages for the use of image processing...
DataMatrix codes are two-dimensional barcodes that can store a large amount of information in a compact space
X-ray Inspection of Parts in Pallets or Blisters
Fully Autonomous End of Line Inspection